Version 1.1
Kill the zombies and clean up the city!
  • Three type of bovver boy characters.
  • 25 type of weapons with more to come
  • 9 missions/stages
  • Great skinhead reggae, oi,and twotone ska BGM
iOS:5.0 and higher
iPhone:4 and higher iPod touch: 4th generation and higher
iPad:2 and higher, iPad mini
ANDROID:2.0.1 and higher


A Bovver Boy, known as a Skinhead, is a subculture that started among working class youths in the United Kingdom in the 1960s. The first skinheads were greatly influenced by Jamaican rude boys and British mods, in terms of fashion, music and lifestyle. Originally, the skinhead subculture was primarily based on those elements, not politics or race.
The Characters in this game are based on these bovver boys.
see here for game playing sample movie

the BGM in this game is using some great Japanese bands :
the 69 Yobsters
the fatness

Illustration by Toru Murase BigSeven Tattoo studio

Our app was introduced in Appliv in Japanese  Appliv(アプリヴ) -iPhoneアプリが探せる、見つかる


Version 1.1

Released on May 22th, 2013
  • NEWInitial Release on Free version Android
  • NEWInitial Release on Free version iOS
  • NEWFix UI problems with iPhone 5

Version 1.0

Released on March 13th, 2013
  • Initial Release



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